It Only Takes a Day


speech bubble representing person 2 talkingWhen I initially came into contact with what God really wants for His church, something that really spoke to my life was the issue of the daily life of the believers. Daily coming together and daily being in each other’s lives and in relationships with one other. That subject stirred up some of the biggest confrontations I’ve ever had with people. They’d say to me, “Why are you so up in my face? Why so close?” For me, that has been one of the hardest things I have had to come to terms with. We will be rejected and we’ll suffer because of that issue of “daily.”

Everybody needs to be vulnerable. Everyone needs to open their homes, their lives, and their relationships to each other. I myself need to be challenged regarding that, because one thing we talked about the other night is that it only takes one day to get off the path. It only takes a day. It doesn’t take long.

So, the need for close and heartfelt relationships really spoke to my heart. And it challenged me a great deal as well! I think we’ve had our fair challenges regarding that.
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