Totally Intertwined In Each Other's Lives


speech bubble representing person 3 talkingKnowing the children intimately came because we decided to love them every day and be in each other’s homes and wrap our arms around them every day. It is the same with adults. You brothers should know each other well enough that you know what makes a brother hurt and what makes him happy. You know which sins are crouching at the door, and you talk to him about that on a daily basis. This is Jesus’ plan in the Body of Christ and it’s what the Bible says. But we have to decide from the heart to do it every day.

Do every one of you sisters know each other very well and deeply, from the heart? Yes or no?

speech bubble representing person 5 talkingYes.

speech bubble representing person 3 talkingYou do? Good. That means you can tell on a Tuesday afternoon when sin is crouching at the door of one of your sisters because their attitudes aren’t good. True? Do all of you brothers have that kind of relationship with each other where you know when sin is crouching at the door?

speech bubble representing person 5 talkingSometimes…

speech bubble representing person 3 talkingIt’s Jesus’ way that we be totally intertwined in each other’s lives, and it takes work to do that. Sin is crouching at the door because satan is alive. If we neglect our children or friends or brothers because we don’t pay attention until the next meeting, then shame on us!

Abel died because sin was crouching at Cain’s door, and no big brothers and sisters were there to help him overcome the sin before it was too late. God is building His Family as priests of God. He’s building us together to be big brothers and big sisters to help the children and help one another so that when sin is crouching at the door, satan can be pushed back and lives can be saved.

This is “the Good News of the Kingdom that’s going into every nation, and then the end shall come” (Matthew 24:14). We beg you in Jesus to participate in the Life of Jesus every day as a Kingdom of Priests. This is the Good News of the Kingdom that shall go into every nation and then the end shall come. “I will build My Church,” Jesus said, “and the gates of hell shall no longer prevail.” Cain shall have Brothers and Sisters surrounding him and loving him into a soft heart.

Sin crouches at the door in all of our lives, true? We need the Good News of the Life of God and the Family of God to help us overcome these obstacles. If we live alone as individuals on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, then when sin crouches at the door, we fail as individuals. But if we live as Jesus has called us—as the Family of God—then the gates of hell will not prevail and sin will be pushed back. The gates of hell will not prevail if we live our lives together rather than separately.

There is the Good News of King Jesus, right? The Bible says there is also the Good News of the KingDOM. And it is the Good News of the KingDOM that will go into every nation, and then the end shall come. We all need each other as brothers and sisters every day because there’s a little Cain in all of us, and a little Abel in all of us. But if we let the Jesus that’s in all of us come together and live our life as one Family every day, then satan will be crushed. One of the brothers reminded me of Romans 16 the other day. Since he’s way ahead of me he can read it. : )

speech bubble representing person 1 talkingRomans 16:20—“The God of peace will soon crush satan underneath your feet.” This is the Church, the Bride. In Genesis 1, God said to Eve, “Your seed shall bruise—or crush—his head,” meaning Jesus would crush the serpent. Jesus gave birth to the Church and it’s the Church that He builds. As was just described, only that together kind of Life will crush satan underneath your feet. If it’s anything else, you will be overcome. “May the God of peace soon crush satan underneath your feet.”

speech bubble representing person 2 talkingAmen!
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